Claiming an AOW pension

We have already sent you a letter about claiming your AOW pension. You can submit your claim quickly and easily online via My SVB.

  1. Make sure you have the following details ready

    • your bank account number (IBAN)
    • if you worked for a period outside the Netherlands: scanned documents relating to your employment outside the Netherlands, and/or a statement of your periods of coverage under the social insurance system in the other country
  2. Claim your pension now

    You can submit a claim via My SVB using your DigiD

  3. Attach files

    The total size of attached files must not be more than 8 MB.

  4. Keep saving the file as you go along

    If you haven’t finished filling in the claim form and you want to leave it and come back later, you can save what you have already done.

    Go to the last screen that you filled in and click ‘Continue’. If you do not enter any information for 20 minutes, you will be logged off automatically.

Filling in your claim, step by step

Read the simple explanation of when and how to claim your AOW pension.