Changes you need to report if you live outside the Netherlands
You must report the following changes to us within 6 weeks:
- You are moving to a different address
- You are moving to a different address together with your partner
- You are moving to another country
- You and your partner are moving to another country
- Either you or your partner is moving to another country while the other will continue to live at the current address
- You no longer live at the same address as your partner
- You and your partner have been living together but you are not married. You are now going to separate
- You have been living on your own and are now going to start living with someone
- Someone has come to live with you and your partner
- You are sharing a household with 2 or more people aged 18 or over. Someone moves out or dies
- You are going to stay at another address temporarily (no more than 6 months)
- You and your partner separate
- You and your partner had separated but your partner starts living with you again
- You are separated from your partner and you start living with someone else
- You and your partner are permanently separated because although one of you filed for divorce, the divorce did not go through.
- You take in a lodger or a tenant
- Your partner dies (you should enclose a copy of the death certificate)
- You get married
- You enter into a registered partnership
- You get divorced
- You are no longer in a registered partnership
- You separate from your spouse or partner
- You enter into a cohabitation agreement
- Your nationality changes
- Your partner’s nationality changes
If you receive AOW supplementary allowance , we will need information about your income and your partner’s income to decide how much supplementary allowance you can get.
- Your partner’s income goes up or down
- Your partner has a new source of income
- Your partner no longer has income
- Your and your partner’s joint income drops below €3,834.00 gross per month
- Your and your partner’s joint income was less than €3,834.00 gross per month but has gone up to more than that amount
You do not have to report small yearly or half-yearly increases in a pension or benefit.
- You go to prison, a detention centre or a closed treatment facility
- You are ordered to go to prison, a detention centre or a closed treatment facility, but you refuse to go
If an AOW pensioner dies, you should report the death directly to us within 6 weeks, even if the death occurred in the Netherlands.
The sooner we know, the sooner we can prevent any overpayments. We will then send a letter to the deceased’s heirs to inform them about what happens next.