An AOW pensioner has died

When a person receiving an AOW pension dies, their entitlement to an AOW pension ends the day after their date of death.

Select the relevant situation and read more about the deceased’s AOW pension, holiday allowance and annual statement.

The holiday allowance that was built up each month from May until the date of death will be paid into the deceased’s bank account. 

If the AOW pension has already been paid for the full month, we may have paid too much. We will deduct the overpaid amount from the holiday allowance. If the amount overpaid is more than the holiday allowance, the deceased’s family will have to repay the rest.

Our letter about the deceased’s AOW pension and the annual AOW pension statement

The letter about the AOW pension will be sent to the last address we have for the deceased. 

The annual statement will be enclosed with the letter. It is important to keep the annual statement. Annual statements cannot be sent digitally.


It is not possible to log in to the My SVB account of a deceased person to view their details.

The surviving partner will get a death grant and the holiday allowance that was built up each month from May until the date of death. 

If the AOW pension has already been paid for the full month, we may have paid too much. We will deduct the overpaid amount from the holiday allowance and the death grant. 

The surviving partner also receives an AOW pension 

If you are the deceased’s partner and you receive an AOW pension, your pension will automatically go up, starting from the month in which your partner died. This higher rate is the rate applying to a person living alone. 

The surviving partner has not yet reached their AOW pension age 

If you are the deceased’s partner and you have not yet reached your AOW pension age, you can qualify for an Anw survivor benefit if you meet 1 of the following qualifying conditions: 

  • you look after a child under 18, or 
  • you are at least 45% incapacitated for work 

Our letter about the deceased’s AOW pension and the annual AOW pension statement 

We will send you a letter about the deceased’s AOW pension. This letter will include the deceased’s annual AOW pension statement. It is important to keep the annual statement. Annual statements cannot be sent digitally.


It is not possible to log in to the My SVB account of a deceased person to view their details.

Death grant

If you are the deceased’s partner, you will receive the death grant automatically. You do not need to do anything yourself. If you and the deceased were separated, you cannot get a death grant.

If there is no surviving partner, the death grant can be paid to the deceased’s children under 18. If there are no children under 18, the death grant can be paid to the person sharing a household with the deceased. 

If you think you qualify for the death grant but have not received it, please contact us. Requests for a death grant must be made within 1 year of the date of death.

When should you report a death to us?

If the deceased was living in the Netherlands, you should report the death to the municipality where the death occurred. In some situations, you may also have to report it to us. 

Select the situation to see whether you need to report the death to us and within how many weeks.

You do not need to report the death to us. However, it must be reported to the municipality (gemeente) where the death occurred. 

First, you will need a death certificate from the deceased’s family doctor or a hospital doctor. You can ask the funeral director to report the death and make all the necessary arrangements.

The municipality (gemeente) will report the death to us. We will send a letter to the surviving partner or relatives to inform them of the consequences for the deceased’s AOW pension.

You should report the death to us within 4 weeks, but preferably as soon as possible so that we can stop the pension payments.

We will send a letter to the surviving partner or relatives to inform them of the consequences for the deceased’s AOW pension.

You should report the death to us within 6 weeks, but preferably as soon as possible so that we can stop the pension payments. 

We will send a letter to the surviving partner or relatives to inform them of the consequences for the deceased’s AOW pension.

You should report the death to us within 6 weeks, but preferably as soon as possible so that we can stop the pension payments. 

We will send a letter to the surviving partner or relatives to inform them of the consequences for the deceased’s AOW pension.

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Version: 1 March 2025