Annual statement

If you live in the Netherlands and you receive a pension from Belgium or Germany, or if you live in Belgium or Germany and you receive a pension from the Netherlands, you will receive your annual statement from the same institution that pays your pension.

Select the country you get your pension from and find out what to do if you have not received an annual statement.

The Belgian Federal Pensions Service will send you the annual statement (called ‘fiscale fiche’) by post.

If you have not received the statement by 19 April, you can ask the Federal Pensions Service to send you a copy.

The German pension agency (Deutsche Rentenversicherung, DRV) will send you an annual statement of your German state pension (Rente) by post at the end of February.

Important: the Bureau for German Affairs (BDZ) does not send annual statements.

If you sent an online request for an annual statement to DRV in the past

In that case, you do not have to do anything. You will receive the annual statement automatically each year before the end of March.

If you have not asked DRV to send you an annual statement before

In that case, you should contact DRV directly and ask them to send you an annual statement or ‘Information über die Meldung an die Finanzverwaltung (Versichertenrente’). If you receive a survivor benefit from DRV, the annual statement is called ‘Information über die Meldung an die Finanzverwaltung (Hinterbliebenenrente’).

If you receive more than one pension/benefit (‘Rente’) from DRV, you should ask for a separate annual statement for each Rente.

The annual statement for your AOW pension is sent to you by the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). If you have a Message Box (Berichtenbox), we will send it to you there. If not, you will receive it by post. You can also view your annual statement by logging in to My SVB.

Important: the Bureaus for Belgian and German Affairs cannot send out annual statements.