When does child benefit stop?

Your child benefit will stop when your child turns 18. The date of your last child benefit payment will depend on the date of your child’s birthday.

Child benefit can stop earlier in some situations.

Find out when child benefit stops before a child turns 18

If your child is 16 or 17 and they stop full-time education, your child benefit will usually stop as well.

Child benefit is paid to the parent with whom the child lives. If you are co-parenting , you can decide together how you want us to pay the child benefit. If you do not make an agreement together, each parent will receive half of the child benefit.

If your child is not living with you, we look to see how much you contribute to your child’s support. If your contribution is less than €522 per quarter, your child benefit will stop.

Payment of child benefit will stop as from the quarter following the death. You will receive a letter about this. If you receive child benefit for your other children, the new child benefit amount will also be stated in the letter. 

If the death occurred in the Netherlands, you do not have to report it to us. We will be informed by the municipality (gemeente). If your child died in another country, you will need to report the death to us directly.

As a rule, your child benefit will stop if you start living or working outside the Netherlands.