If you have a complaint

We want you to be satisfied with our service. And we want to help you as best we can. Perhaps you are not satisfied, or you think you have not been properly treated. In that case, you can file a complaint.

Call us first if you have a complaint

If you have a complaint, call us first so we can try to find a solution immediately. If that is not possible, or if you are still not satisfied, we will see if we can find a different solution.

Sending a complaint by letter or a complaints form

You can send us your complaint on a complaints form. Or you can write us a letter. We will contact you as soon as we have received your complaint.

If your complaint has not been handled properly

If you believe we have not handled your complaint properly, or if you had to wait more than 6 weeks to hear from us, you can complain to the National Ombudsman. The National Ombudsman handles complaints against government authorities. It is not a government organisation. It is independent and impartial.

De Nationale ombudsman
Antwoordnummer 10870
2501 WB Den Haag The Netherlands

If you do not agree with our decision

If you do not agree with our decision, you can send us a request for review .