Apply for a pension or benefit
If you would like to apply for recognition, or claim a benefit, extraordinary pension or an allowance or reimbursement for costs, you can send us a letter. Your letter must state:
- your name
- your address
- the date
- what you wish to claim/apply for
Send your letter to:
Sociale Verzekeringsbank
Afdeling Verzetsdeelnemers en Oorlogsgetroffenen
Postbus 9575
2300 RB Leiden, The Netherlands
After we have received your letter, we will send you a more detailed claim form.
Request for revision
If you have had a claim rejected in the past and you have new information relevant to your case, you can ask us to revise our decision. For example, if you find new witnesses to your war experiences, or your medical complaints worsen.
In that case, send us a letter asking us to revise our previous decision. Your letter must contain:
- your name
- your address
- the date
- the pension or benefit scheme concerned
- the new facts and circumstances behind your request for revision