When you are considered to be an orphan

An orphan’s benefit is a contribution for a child whose last living parent died. Such children are called orphans.

You are an orphan if:

  • both your parents died. Whether they were your biological parents or adoptive parents is irrelevant
  • your last living parent died. Your other parent had already passed away
  • 1 parent died. Your other parent is not registered with the municipality as being your parent 
  • 1 parent died. Your other parent has been registered with the municipality as missing for a long time

You are not considered to be an orphan if:

  • 1 parent died. You have no contact with your other parent or your other parent is not involved in your upbringing, but is registered with the municipality as being your parent
  • 1 parent died. Your other parent no longer has authority over you
  • 1 parent died. Your other parent is still alive