Other benefits you can get from the gemeente (your municipality) or Dienst Toeslagen

You may be able to get some extra payments on top of your AIO supplement. For example, rent benefit and healthcare benefit from Dienst Toeslagen. Your municipality (gemeente) will also have special benefit schemes for people on low incomes. 

More information on municipal benefit schemes for people on low incomes

Special assistance

If you are suddenly faced with large and unexpected costs, you may be able to get an allowance from your gemeente to help you pay the costs. This allowance is called ‘bijzondere bijstand’ (special assistance).

Local/municipal taxes

Everybody who lives in the Netherlands has to pay local charges in their municipality, for example, for sewage treatment and waste collection. If you get an AOW pension with an AIO supplement, you may not have to pay these charges at all, or only pay part of them. This is called ‘kwijtschelding’ (cancellation of the charges). Most gemeentes can do this for people on low incomes.

If your gemeente cannot cancel the charges, you can ask them to let you pay the costs in instalments over 12 months.

Debt counselling

Sometimes people who cannot pay their bills get into debt. If this has happened to you, you can ask your gemeente for help. This is called ‘schuldhulpverlening’ (debt counselling). The gemeente cannot pay the debt for you, but they can give you advice on how to get out of debt.

For more information about municipal benefit schemes, please contact your gemeente.

Rent benefit and healthcare benefit

If your income is low, you may be able to get rent benefit and healthcare benefit from Dienst Toeslagen.