You live with 2 or more other adults
If you live with 2 or more people, the amount of AIO supplement you can get will depend on your situation. For example, whether you are living with ‘co-residents’ or whether you are ‘sharing a household’ .
Before you can see how much AIO supplement you can get, you need to know whether you are considered to be living with ‘co-residents’ or ‘sharing a household’.
If you live with a person aged 27 or over, and this person is not your partner, your AIO supplement will be paid according to the co-resident rule . This means your AIO supplement will be lower, even if the co-resident does not have an income or help pay for the household costs.
If you live with more than one co-resident, the more co-residents you live with, the less you will get in AIO supplement.
A co-resident:
- is a person aged 27 or over who lives at the same address as you
- can be a friend or acquaintance, a child, brother, sister, or another relative. Your relationship with the co-resident is not relevant.
A person is not regarded as a co-resident if:
- you rent a room from them or you are a lodger in their house
- they rent a room from you or are a lodger in your house
- they are a student under 30 and they qualify for a student grant or loan
You live in a shared household if:
- you live in the same house with one other person aged 18 or over and
- you both make a contribution towards the household. Your contribution can be in money or in some other way
You can contribute to the household by caring for each other. People can care for each other in 2 ways:
- by means of a financial contribution to the household expenses (housing costs, living expenses, and other costs) or
- by taking care of each other in some other way (cleaning, shopping, doing paperwork, cooking, caring for each other in case of illness)
The financial contributions or mutual care provided must be significant and not just incidental.
If you live in a shared household, the amount of your AIO supplement will depend on how many people you share your house with.
This depends on your situation. We look at how many people you live with, and whether you can be regarded as ‘sharing a household’.
Your situation | You will get an
AIO supplement at the rate for |
You have a ‘shared household’ with
1 other person |
a married person |
You have a ‘shared household’ with
2 or more other people |
co-residents |
You live someone, but you do not ‘share a household’ | a person living alone |
Ken and his partner Maria and their daughter Anne live in the same house. Anne is aged over 27 and is regarded as a co-resident. Under the co-resident rule , Ken and Maria can get an AIO supplement at the rate for a married couple living with 1 co-resident (€1,779.75). Ken and Maria’s AOW pension and other income is deducted from this amount. It does not matter whether or not Anne has income or helps around the house.
Higher AIO supplement sometimes possible
Perhaps you have a partner or co-resident who cannot contribute to the household costs, because they do not qualify for a benefit themselves, or they cannot get work because they do not have a valid residence permit . In that case, it may be difficult for you to live off your income alone.
If that is the case, contact us and we will see whether your AIO supplement can be increased.