Child benefit amounts

The child benefit amounts are stated per child per quarter. Child benefit is paid after the end of each quarter.

Amount paid per quarter

Your child benefit for the 2nd quarter of 2024 will be paid in July 2024.

Amount per child per quarter
Child’s age 2nd quarter of 2024
 0 to 5 years €279.49
 6 to 11 years €339.38
12 to 17 years €399.27

Your child benefit will go up when your child reaches the age of 6 and again at 12. If you want more information about this, go to the page ‘Higher child benefit payments at age 6 and 12’. 

If you have a lot of extra costs for your child, you may qualify for child benefit at twice the basic rate. For example, if your child is living away from home for education reasons or because of illness. Or if your child lives at home but needs extensive care.