You work for 1 employer in 2 or more EU countries

If you work for 1 employer in 2 or more European Union (EU) countries, it is not always clear which country’s social insurance schemes you are covered by. This will depend on how many hours you work in the country where you live.

If you live in an EU country

To determine which country you are socially insured in, we look at the number of hours you work in the country where you live.

  • If you work at least 25% of your working hours in the country where you live, you will be covered by the social insurance schemes of that country. 
  • If you do not work or you work less than 25% of your working hours in the country where you live, you will be insured in the country where your employer is based, provided it is also an EU country.

Inform the authorities that you are working in 2 or more countries

If you are going to work in 2 or more countries, you are legally obliged to report this. Select the situation that applies to you and read in what country you must report this. 

If you live in the Netherlands and you are going to work in 2 or more countries, you must report this to us.

Important: if you are a civil servant for only the government of an EU country other than the Netherlands and you are going to do this work in 2 or more EU countries, you must report this to the social security institution in the country where you are a civil servant. The same applies if you are going to telework in the Netherlands as a foreign civil servant.

If you live in an EU country other than the Netherlands and you are going to work in more than 2 countries in the EU , you must report this to the social security institution in the country where you live.

If you are a civil servant for only the Dutch government and you are going to work in 2 or more EU countries, you must report this to us. You do not have to report this to the social security institution in your country of residence. The same applies if you are a Dutch civil servant and going to telework in your country of residence.

You can apply for an A1 certificate via TWinternet.

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Version: 1 January 2025