If you do not have a BSN

Everyone who is listed in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI) has a Dutch Burgerservicenummer (BSN).

If you do not have a BSN or cannot remember whether you have one, select the situation that applies to you and read what you can do.

Select the situation that applies to you

You have never lived in the Netherlands

Register yourself as a non-resident of the Netherlands in the RNI. You will then get a BSN.

You left the Netherlands before 1 October 1994

You will only have a BSN if you pay tax in the Netherlands. If not, you can register with the RNI to get a BSN.

You left the Netherlands on or after 1 October 1994

You will already be registered in the RNI. You may find your BSN on old letters or documents. Or you can check with a Dutch municipality with an RNI service desk.