If you do not have a Burgerservicenummer (BSN)
How to get a BSN
If you have claimed an AOW pension, you do not have to do anything. We will make sure that you are registered in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI ). You will then receive your Burgerservicenummer from the National Office for Identity Data (RvIG).
If you have not claimed an AOW pension and you do not have a BSN or you have lost or forgotten it, select the situation that applies to you and read what you can do.
You have never lived in the Netherlands
To have yourself registered in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI), you need to make an appointment to visit one of the Dutch municipalities with an RNI service desk.
You can find a list of the municipalities concerned and information on how to register on the Netherlands Worldwide website.
You left the Netherlands before 1 October 1994
To have yourself registered in the Non-residents Records Database (RNI), you need to make an appointment to visit one of the Dutch municipalities with an RNI service desk.
You can find a list of the municipalities concerned and information on how to register on the Netherlands Worldwide website.
You left the Netherlands on or after 1 October 1994
You will already be registered in the RNI. You may find your BSN on old letters or documents. Or you can check with a Dutch municipality with an RNI service desk.