Viewing your details in My SVB

In My SVB, you can view, save and print your personal details, payments and annual statement. To do this, you need to log in. 

How to log in to My SVB

You can log in with your DigiD or another valid EU Login

If you do not have a DigiD, or you need help with logging in, read our explanation of how to log in.

The details can you see

When you are logged in to My SVB, you will only see items that are relevant to your situation. You can then click on an item you want to know more about.

Under ‘My overview’, you will see the following:

  • All of the messages you have sent via My SVB over the past 6 months, including the date each message was sent. You can also see whether we have started or finished processing your message.
  • If you receive payments, you will also be able to see the last payment you received and your next payment.
  • If you started filling in an application/claim form but did not finish, this will also be shown under ‘My overview’.

Under ‘Personal details’, you can see the details we have on file for you, such as your Burgerservicenummer (BSN ) and your SVB reference. You can also see whether we have your telephone number, and whether our correspondence is sent to your Message Box.

If you receive payments from us, you can see a list of all the payments made in the past 12 months. Older payments are not shown. Click on ‘Details’ for a statement of these payments which you can either save as a PDF or print out.

If you receive an AOW pension or Anw survivor benefit, you will also be able to see the following:

  • Your last 2 annual statements
  • Your holiday allowance
  • The date your holiday allowance will be paid

If you do not receive any payments, the item ‘Payments’ will not be shown in your overview.

If you have received AOW pension or Anw survivor benefit over the past year, the payments will be shown in your annual statement in My SVB.

If you have received too much money from us, or if you need to pay us a certain amount, the amount you need to pay will be shown under ‘Debts’.

If you do not have any debts, you will see the message ‘You do not have any debt with us’.

Under ‘My AOW pension’, you will find more information about your AOW pension age and your AOW pension rights.