Check whether you qualify for an orphan’s benefit
An orphan’s benefit is a contribution towards the monthly expenses for raising and caring for a child who has lost both their parents.
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What are the qualifying conditions?
You can get an orphan’s benefit if you meet the qualifying conditions imposed by the National Survivor Benefits Act (Anw).
Read the next 3 steps to find out what the qualifying conditions are.
Step 1. When you are considered to be an orphan
We first assess whether you are considered to be an orphan according to the rules of the Anw survivor benefit scheme.
Only children who are considered to be an orphan can get an orphan’s benefit.
Both your parents died
If both your parents died, you are considered to be an orphan for orphan’s benefit purposes.
One of your parents has died
If 1 one your parents died, you are considered to be an orphan if:
- your last living parent died. Your other parent had already died
- 1 parent died. Your other parent is not registered with the municipality as being your parent
- 1 parent died. Your other parent has been registered with the municipality as missing for a long time
Step 2. Was your last living parent insured under the Anw survivor benefit scheme?
If you are considered to be an orphan, we check whether your last parent living was insured under the Anw survivor benefit scheme.
A parent was usually insured if he or she lived or worked in the Netherlands.
Step 3. Additional qualifying conditions specified by age
As a final step, we check whether you meet the additional qualifying conditions (where applicable).
Whether additional qualifying conditions apply, depends on your age.
You are 16 or 17
From the age of 16, additional qualifying conditions apply. You will get an orphan’s benefit if:
- you go to school every day to study for a school-leaving qualification , or
- you do not need a school-leaving qualification (exemption), or
- you are still in full-time education after obtaining a school-leaving qualification
If you run the household, other conditions apply.
You are 18, 19 or 20
You will get an orphan’s pension if you are still in full-time education .
If you run the household, other conditions apply.
You are 15 or younger
No additional qualifying conditions apply to you.
The conditions will change when you turn 16.
You are 21 or older
In all situations, your orphan’s benefit will stop when you turn 21.
If you do not yet have an orphan’s benefit, you can no longer claim it.
However, you may be entitled to other benefits or income.
You run the household
If you run the household, you can qualify for an orphan’s benefit if:
- you have a school-leaving qualification , or are not obliged to get a school-leaving qualification (exemption)
- you spend more than half your time running the household and the household consists of another child who receives an orphan’s benefit, e.g. your brother or sister, and
- you are not married or living with another person
Claiming an orphan’s benefit
If you are under the age of 18, your guardian or carer can claim an orphan’s benefit for you.
If you are 18 or older, you can claim an orphan’s benefit yourself.