Organismes de sécurité sociale
Consulter la liste de tous les organismes de sécurité sociale
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Pays | Organisme | Lieu | Adresse |
Australie | Superannuation | Australian Taxation Office | GPO Box 9977, ADELAIDE SA 5001 |
Belgique | Office national de Sécurité sociale | Service des Conventions internat. Bur. 3A.099 | Victor Hortaplein 11, 1060 BRUXELLES |
Belgique | Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendants (INASTI) | Service International | Quai de Willebroeck 35, B-1000 BRUXELLES |
Bulgarie | National Revenue Agency | Bul. Knyaz Al. Dondukov 52, 1000 SOFIA | |
Canada | Opérations Internationales | Service Canada | CP 250, FREDERICTON NB E3B 4Z6 |
Canada | Bureau des Ententes de securité sociale | 1055 René Lévesque est. 13, H2L 4S5 MONTREAL QUÉBEC | |
Chili | Subsecretaria de Previsión Social | Huérfanos 1273, Piso 5 SANTIAGO DE CHILE | |
Chine | International Cooperation Division Social Insurance Administration | Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security | Huangcheng International Center, No. 138 Andingmenwai Dajie, Dongcheng District BEIJING 100011 |
Chypre | Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance | Dep. of Social Insurance Services | 7 Byron Avenue, 1465 NICOSIE |
Danemark | Udbetaling Danmark/International Pension & Social Security | Sortemosevej 2, DK-3450 ALLEROED | |
Allemagne | GKV-Spitzenverband | DVKA | Postfach 200464, 53134 BONN |
Égypte | Ministry of Finance NOSI - Dir. Foreign Agreements & Affairs | FAO Mr Yassir Afifi Ahmad | 3, Alfy Street CAIRO |
Estonie | Estonian National Social Insurance Board | Lembitu Street 12, 15092 Tallinn | |
Finlande | The Central Pension Security Institute | Legal Department | FIN-00065, HELSINKI |
France | Centre des Liaisons Eur. et Int. de Sécurité Sociale | 11 rue de la Tour des Dames, 75436 PARIS Cédex 09 | |
Gibraltar | Government of Gibraltar, Department of Social Security | Social Services Contributions Unit | 14 Governors Parade, GIBRALTAR |
Grèce | Ministery of Labour and Social Security, Gen. Secr. of Soc. Sec | Internat. Affairs Division EU Section | 29 Stadiou Street, 10110 ATHENES |
Grande-Bretagne | PT Operations North East England HM Revenue and Customs | BX9 1AN, Royaume-Uni | |
Hongrie | National Health Insurance Affairs and European Integration (OEP) | Váci út 73/A, 1139 BUDAPEST | |
Irlande | International Postings, Department of Social Protection | Social Welfare Services Office | Cork Road, WATERFORD |
Islande | Ministry of Health and Social Security | International Division | Laugavegur 116, 150 REYKJAVIK |
Inde | Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) | 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place | GPO Box 999, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan NEW DELHI -110 066 |
Italie | Sede Regionale INPS | Viale Armando Diaz n.35, 09125 CAGLIARI Sardaigne | |
Japon | Japan Pension Service | Numbers and Records Group | Suginami-ku Takaido-Nishi 3-5-24 168-8505 TOKYO |
Cap-Vert | Caixa sindical de Previdencia dos Empregados | do Comercio e Oficios Correlativos | Caixe Postal 34, ILHA DO SAL |
Corée | Center for International Affairs National Pension Service | 6th Fl., Kukmin-Yeonkum Building, 180 | Giji-ro, Deokjin-Gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, 54870 CORÉE DU SUD |
Croatie | HZMO | A.Mihanovíca 3, 10000 ZAGREB | |
Lettonie | VSAA (Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūra) | Contributions Div. (Iemaksu nodaļa) | Lacplesa iela 70A, 1011 RIGA |
Liechtenstein | Amt für Volkwirtschaft | Gerberweg 5, FL 9490 VADUZ | |
Lituanie | The Board of State Social Insurance Fund | Foreign Benefits Office | Kalvariju g. 147, 8221 VILNIUS |
Luxembourg | Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale | 125, Route d'Esch, 2975 LUXEMBOURG | |
Macédoine | Fond Za Zdravstveno Osiguruvanje Na Makedonija | Ulica:"Marsal Tito" bb, 1000 SKOPJE | |
Madère | Centro de Segurança da Madeira | Rua Elias Garcia, 14 9054-503 FUNCHAL Madère | |
Malte | Dipartiment tas-Sigurta’ Socjali | Taqsima ta’ l-Enforcement | 38, Triq l-Ordinanza, VALLETTA, CMR 02 |
Maroc | Ministère de l'Emploi & Formation Prof. | Dir. Protection Sociale des Travailleurs | Angle Rue Al Jommayz-Al Maouz, 10000 RABAT |
Nouvelle-Zélande | Ministry of Social Development | P.O. Box 1556, WELLINGTON 6140 | |
Norvège | NAV Utland | Pob 8138 Dep. 33 OSLO | |
Autriche | Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales | Stubenring 1, 1010 VIENNE | |
Pologne | Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych Oddział w Kielcach | Wydział Ubezpieczeń i Składek - 1 | Ul. Piotrkowska 27, 25-510 KIELCE |
Portugal | Instituto de Segurança Social, I.P.(1002) | Unidade de Coordenação Internacional | Av. 5 de Outubro, 175, 1069-451 LISBONNE |
Roumanie | Casa Națională de Pensii Publice | Direcția relații internaționale | Str. Latină nr. 8, Sector 2 BUCUREŞTI |
Slovénie | Ministrstvo za Delo Druzino in Socialné Zadeve | Kotnikova 5, 1000 LJUBLJANA | |
Slovaquie | Social Insurance Agency | Spitálska 4-6-8, 816 43 BRATISLAVA | |
Espagne | Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social, Subdir. Gral. de Inscripción | Afiliación/Asuntos Internacionales | C/Astros, 5 y 7, 28007 MADRID |
République tchèque | Ceska Sprava Socialniho Zabezpeceni | Krizova 25, 225 08 PRAGUE 5 | |
Tunisie | Ministre des Affaires sociales | Dir. Général de la Sécurité Sociale | Boulevard Bab Bret, Kasb 27 TUNIS |
Turquie | Sosyal Guvenlik Kurumu Baskanligi Emeklilik Hizmetleri Genel Mudurlugu Yurtdisi Sozlesmeler ve Emeklilik Daire Baskanligi | Mithatpasa Cad. No.7 | 06473 Sihhiye Cankaya ANKARA |
Uruguay | Banco de Previsión Social | Asuntos Internacionales | Avenida 18 de Julio, 1912 p.1 MONTEVIDEO |
États-Unis | Social Security Administration | Division of Training and Program Support International Support Branch | P.O. Box 17741, MD 21235-7741 BALTIMORE |
Suède | Riksförsäkringsverket, Nat. Soc. Insur. Board | Internat. Secr. | 10351 STOCKHOLM |
Suisse | Office fédéral des assurances sociales | Affaires internationales-Sec Conventions | Effingerstrasse 20, 3003 BERNE |