Your income up to your AOW pension age

When you reach your AOW pension age, your income will probably stop. Select the situation that applies to you to find out what will happen to your income.

You work for an employer

The end date of your employment contract will be stated in the contract. Your contract will automatically end when you reach your AOW pension age. Your salary will be paid until you reach your AOW pension age.

You are self-employed or a freelancer

As a self-employed person or freelancer , you can decide yourself when you want to stop working. You can stop working when you reach your AOW pension age, but you can also choose to stop earlier or later. If you stop earlier, you should bear in mind that you will be responsible yourself for ensuring an adequate income until you reach your AOW pension age.

You are receiving an incapacity benefit (WAO or WIA), unemployment benefit (WW), sickness benefit, income support or an Anw survivor benefit

The following benefits will be paid until you reach your AOW pension age, providing you continue to meet the qualifying conditions.

  • WAO incapacity benefit (under the Incapacity Benefits Act)
  • WIA incapacity benefit (under the Work and Income According to Labour Capacity Act)
  • WW unemployment benefit (under the Unemployment Benefits Act)
  • Sickness benefit  
  • Income support  
  • Anw survivor benefit (under the National Survivor Benefits Act)

You are receiving a VUT early retirement benefit or similar benefit

The date your early retirement benefit stops will be stated in your collective labour agreement (CAO ). It is possible that your early retirement benefit will be reduced for a while or stopped altogether before your start receiving your AOW pension. 

You are going to retire from work before you reach your AOW pension age

If you retire early, you will need to provide for your own income until you reach your AOW pension age.

If you live outside the Netherlands, you may not have built up enough years of Dutch insurance to get a full AOW pension when you reach your AOW pension age.