Statement of insurance periods for AOW pension and other pensions

If you want to know how much AOW pension you have built up so far, or the insurance periods your AOW pension is based on, go to My SVB or ask us to send you a Statement of AOW pension insurance periods.

If you have built up rights to other pensions besides your AOW pension, you can find more information at

Summary of your AOW pension

  1. Log in to My SVB

    In My SVB, you can see what percentage of the full AOW pension you have built up so far. You will also see how much you will get when you reach your AOW pension age.

  1. Request a Statement of AOW pension insurance periods

    If you lived and worked for a period outside the Netherlands and you want to know how much AOW pension you have built up so far, or the insurance periods your AOW pension is based on, you can ask us to send you a Statement of AOW pension insurance periods via My SVB. If you cannot log in to My SVB, you can use the paper form ‘Application: Statement of AOW pension insurance periods’.

    Voluntary insurance may not be included in the Pension Statement

    If you have paid a provisional voluntary insurance contribution for a certain period, it will take some time before you will see this on your Statement of AOW pension insurance periods. 

    This period will only be shown after the contribution amount is final and you have paid it in full. Until then, the period will be marked as not insured.

Summary of all your pensions

  1. Go to

    As well as your AOW pension, you may have other pension pots. For example, through your employer, or by saving for a pension yourself.