Report a change

If you want to report a change via My SVB, you can only do this if our letters are addressed to you. If our letters are addressed to your partner, your partner will have to report the change.

Always report changes on time

Essential changes must be reported to us within 4 weeks (6 weeks if you live outside the Netherlands). 

How to log in to My SVB

You can log in with your DigiD or with another valid EU Login

If you do not have a DigiD, or you need help with logging in, read our explanation of how to log in.

Report changes

In the menu under ‘Self-service’, click on ‘Report a change’

Select what you want to change and follow the steps shown on your screen. You will then see an overview. If the overview is correct, click on ‘Send’.

Confirmation of receipt

After you have reported the change, a confirmation of receipt will pop up on your screen. 

You can then click on the ‘Print’ or ‘Save as a PDF’ button to save an overview of the change you reported. The confirmation will also show the date and time you reported the change.

If you want to leave My SVB, remember to log out.