Review and appeal

For questions about a decision

If you have a question about a decision, or if we have rejected your claim and you would like to know more about our reasons, please contact our V&O department.

If you disagree with a decision

If you do not agree with our decision, you can submit a request for review within 6 weeks. 

If you live outside the Netherlands, you have 13 weeks in which to submit a request for review. 

Write us a letter stating that you do not agree with our decision. Your letter must give:

  • your name and address
  • the date that you write the letter 
  • the correspondence number of the decision letter
  • the decision you are objecting to
  • your reasons for not agreeing with the decision
  • whether you would like to explain your objections to us in person 
  • your signature

You can authorise someone to write the letter for you. In that case, you must also send a completed authorisation form with your request for review.

Appealing a review decision

If you disagree with our decision on your request for review, you can appeal to the Central Appeals Tribunal (CRvB) in Utrecht within 6 weeks (13 weeks if you live outside the Netherlands). You will have to pay a fee for this. You can read more about this in the review decision letter.