Claiming an orphan’s benefit if you live outside the Netherlands

If you live outside the Netherlands, how to claim your orphan’s benefit depends on the country where you live. The rules for countries that are members of the European Union (EU ) are different from the rules for treaty countries , countries in the European Economic Area (EEA ) and other countries.

Select your situation and find out how to apply for an orphan’s benefit.

You can choose how to claim an orphan’s benefit. You can do this via the social security organisation :

  • in the country where you live, or
  • in the country where your last living parent was insured on the date of death

Our advice: claim your orphan’s benefit in the country where you live.

If you live in a treaty country or in an EEA country, you should claim your orphan’s benefit via the social insurance organisation in the country where your last living parent was insured.

If you do not live in an EU or EEA country or a treaty country, please contact us.

Your last living parent worked in an EU or EEA country or a treaty country

In that case, you may be able to get an orphan’s benefit from that country. We will arrange for a claim to be sent to the relevant organisations in that country.

Your last living parent did not work in an EU or EEA country or a treaty country

In that case, you will need to arrange for your claim yourself. To do this, you should contact the relevant organisations in the country where your last living parent was insured on the date of death.

If your non-Dutch orphan’s benefit changes, you must let us know because the change might affect your Dutch orphan’s benefit.