We can help you manage your debts

If you have money worries and you can no longer pay your bills, we may be able to help. Find out more by selecting an item below.

If you have received too much money from us, you will have to repay it. If you think you cannot repay it, please get in touch with us. 

We will help find a solution, for example by arranging a plan for repayment with you. We can also give you more time to make the repayments.

Do you want to know if you have a debt with us, and if so, how much you owe?

In My SVB, under ‘Debts’, you can see how much you have to repay.

In My SVB, you can download an official PDF document that you can share with your debt counsellor or other institutions that may need this information.

You will see this logo in My SVB. Use it to download the official PDF document.

If you owe money to another organisation, for example an internet provider, and you do not repay the debt even after reminders and warning letters, your creditor can levy an attachment on your AOW pension or other SVB benefit. ‘Levying an attachment’ means asking us to keep back part of your AOW pension or other benefit to repay your debt. We will then pay that part directly to your creditor until the total debt has been repaid.

The creditor must send you their calculation of what you owe. The calculation must take your protected earnings rate into account. If you think the calculation is wrong, contact the creditor.

If your income changes or you have new debts, ask your creditor to make a new calculation of your protected earnings rate.

How high is your protected earnings rate?

Your protected earnings rate depends on your income and your living situation. If you have a partner, your partner’s income will also be taken into account for the calculation of your protected earnings rate.

If you cannot get any AOW pension or you do not receive a full AOW pension, or if your income is below the guaranteed minimum income, you may qualify for an AIO supplement. The AIO supplement can bring your income up to the level of the guaranteed minimum income.

If you are the parent of a child who needs extensive care and the child lives with you, you may qualify for child benefit at twice the basic rate.

You may be able to get some extra payments, for example rent benefit or healthcare benefit from Dienst Toeslagen. Your municipality (gemeente) will also have special benefit schemes for people on low incomes.

If you have any questions

If you have any questions, please contact us.