If you do not have a Burgerservicenummer (BSN)
The Burgerservicenummer (BSN ) is a unique and personal number issued to every person who is resident in the Netherlands. It is more or less the same as the social security numbers issued in other countries.
If you live outside the Netherlands and you would like to apply for a BSN, the procedure varies depending on whether you have claimed an AOW pension. The procedures for each situation are explained below.
You have claimed an AOW pension
If you have claimed an AOW pension, you do not have to do anything. We will make sure that you are registered in the Register of Non-Residents (RNI ). You will then receive your Burgerservicenummer from the National Office for Identity Data (RvIG).
You have not claimed an AOW pension
If you have not claimed an AOW pension but you have lived in the Netherlands, applying for a BSN is usually simple.
What we need to know is when exactly you left the Netherlands. This is because the application procedure for a BSN changed as from 1 October 1994.
You left the Netherlands on or after 1 October 1994
If you left the Netherlands on or after 1 October 1994, you will be registered in the Register of Non-Residents (RNI). You may find your BSN in old letters or documents.
If you cannot find your BSN, you can check with a Dutch municipality that has an RNI service desk. The fees may vary from one service desk to another.
You left the Netherlands before 1 October 1994
If you left the Netherlands before 1 October 1994, you can have yourself registered in the Register of Non-Residents (RNI). You will then be issued a BSN. To do this, you can visit 1 of the 19 municipalities in the Netherlands that have an RNI service desk. How to do this is explained below in 5 steps.
- Go to the Netherlands Worldwide website to find a municipality that has an RNI service desk
- Make an appointment
- Collect together all of the required documents, such as your ID and proof of your address
- Visit the RNI service desk in the Netherlands in person
- Once you have been registered in the RNI, you will be issued a BSN
You have never lived in the Netherlands
If you have never lived in the Netherlands, you can have yourself registered in the Register of Non-Residents (RNI). You will then be issued a BSN. To do this, you can visit 1 of the 19 municipalities in the Netherlands that have an RNI service desk. How to do this is explained below in 5 steps.
- Go to the Netherlands Worldwide website to find a municipality that has an RNI service desk
- Make an appointment
- Collect together all of the required documents, such as your ID and proof of your address
- Visit the RNI service desk in the Netherlands in person
- Once you have been registered in the RNI, you will be issued a BSN